Tuesday, October 16

Wednesday, October 17 ~ POO Ch.8

Image result for power of one doc
Doc is a favorite.
  • legis - law
  • lexis - word
  • nomy - law
  • oid - resembling
  • aster, astr - star
*Extra Credit for a complete Kahoot anyone? Want to double check your list? 

The Power of One

Journal 19: Please record this vocab to help you read Chapters 8-10
  • neophytes (n.) - recent convert; beginner or novice (p.159)
  • incongruous (adj.) - lacking in harmony; incompatible (p.165)
  • esoteric (adj.) - religious practices that come from mixing orthodox religious ideas with science, but the result is accepted by neither mainline religions or science. Ex/ new age and occult practices. Generally, this adjective describes something that is understood by very few (p.180)
  • punctilious (adj). - Following fine points of etiquette (p.180)
  • fervent (adj.) - very emotional or heated
  • equivocation (n.) - the use of ambiguous language; using noncommittal language (p.207)
  • recidivist (n.) - one who has a tendency to lapse into previous pattern of behavior, especially criminal activity (p. 207)
  • imperious (adj.) - arrogantly domineering or overbearing, urgent pressing (p. 211)

HW: Group 1 needs to get ready to lead the Fishbowl tomorrow.
Read Ch.8 & do Journal 20: What do you think about Doc's spirituality?

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