Monday, October 22

Tuesday, October 23 ~ TIE Method & POO Ch.11

Image result for psat
Warm-up: Practice your
 Dangling Modifier skills here.

PSATs tomorrow! Rest tonight
and read Chapter 11 by block day.

Executive order...Fishbowl #2 moved to Tuesday. Let's focus on the essay instead. Sometimes we need to sloooooow down.

  • EQ: Do you know how to integrate a quote into your writing? Click here to quiz yourself.
  • How about using quotes in general? Click here to test these skills.
  • Go over rules of quoting. (Write these notes under Journal 24.)
  • See the board for rules 9&10 (Bedford pages 598-600).
    • 9a. Elipses (...) Cannot start or end a quote. Use context instead.
    • 9b. Brackets [ ] Can be used to add information to a quote. For example:
      • to mark a typo within the quote as [sic].
      • The man said, "he [Edward Biles] broke in through the window."
    • 10. If you want to quote something longer than 2 sentences or lines of poetry, use a block format. Block is different from regular quoting in that it...
      • has no quotation marks
      • is double spaced and completely indented
      • and the citation comes after the final punctuation.
      • See the example below:
  • Image result for block quote

Look over your Journal 23 and perfect your quoting. Then trade with someone nearby and highlight each different part of their TIED paragraph.

Discuss Ch.10

HW: Read Ch.11 and brainstorm Fishbowl #2 questions. Are you in the fishbowl? Click here.

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