Thursday, October 25

Monday, October 29 ~ Peer Edit Apartheid Essays

Image result for mandela quotes

Before we begin the peer-editing process, here are a couple of helps:
Peer Editing Process:
**Please get each editor to sign the bottom of your digital copy with a few bullet points of strengths/weaknesses below his/her name. This will be a 20 score when I get back tomorrow***

Editor #1: Check the basics...
  • MLA-Heading, header, title, etc...
  • Intro paragraph- Interesting hook? Clear CAB style thesis?
  • Read through the paper and flag spelling or grammatical errors.
Editor #2: Check for coherence (Does the essay prove the point all the way through?)
  • Body paragraphs- TIED structure? organized with topic sentences that match thesis?
  • Sweet critical thinking? Could this paper be more interesting or better proven? 
  • Conclusion- Is this essay well resolved? Is there a meaningful end beyond the summary? (You could do a call to action or a bridge to something today.)
Editor #3: Check the evidence
  • Evidence-Is every quote relevant and powerfully used? Correctly cited in the text? 
  • Does each quote have enough context to make sense? 
  • Are most quotes sophisticatedly incorporated with TIE Method? Can you see any that need better phrasing? 
HW: Read Chapter 12 and print this beast! It is due tomorrow as a hard copy. (If your world has been rocked by this new no-printing life, email me a copy as a pdf or shared google doc. NOT NOTABILITY!!!) Essay must also be turned into by the end of tomorrow.  

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