Saturday, March 21

Week of March 25 - April 1

  • Activity: Take the non-graded practice quiz (on moodle) called "Ethos, Logos, Pathos - Check Your Understanding." This will give you instant feedback to see if you can sort out which method of persuasion is being most dominantly employed. 
  • Note: We are always preparing for the eventual final at this point, so record any questions you have trouble on since they may come back to you later.

  • New Inquiry Statement: When perspective is shared with purpose and style it becomes an effective tool in gaining both power and privilege.
  • Activity: Watch this little clip from one of my favorite movies, Good Will Hunting, weigh in on the conversation.
PS - Pardon the single cuss word. If you haven't watched this movie... you should!
  • Journal 35: Forum Prep for tomorrow:
  • Please do this in your journal and use it to help you in the Forum on Friday.
  1. Is the Inquiry Statement above true? When? How?
  2. Considering what you know about Ethos, Logos, and Pathos, How is it that the underdog wins the argument in the bar scene of Good Will Hunting. 

  • Activity: Watch this Robin Williams clip, also from Good Will Hunting. Robin Williams plays a counselor who has been assigned to Matt Damon's character in order to fulfill his parole requirements. This scene comes after Will (Matt Damon) has completely blasted his counselor, Sean Maguire (Robin Williams) and mocked the counseling process.
  • Journal 36: Forum Prep Notes:
  • Please do this in your journal and use it to help you in the Forum.
    1. How does Maguire (Robin Williams) establish his authority by using ethos, logos and pathos? Which argument is most effective? 
    • Moodle Forum: Ethos, Logos, Pathos in Good Will Hunting: Please see the link below this week's post to weigh in on the conversation at least twice with meaningful commentary on the questions from Journals 35-36. Due by Midnight Sunday, March 29 (graded Monday). 

    MONDAY 3/30
    • Click here for the Quizlet of Rhetorical Devices
    • Let's play with the Gettysburg Address by Abe Lincoln. Watch this short video for some quick background information of this speech:
    • Activity: Rhetorical Device Hunt #1 (Click here).  No need to turn this in; just like poetic devices, this knowledge will be used in a rhetorical analysis essay later on.
    • Though this one is not graded, it is your chance to practice these terms which will be used for an assessment at the end of the week..

      TUESDAY 3/31
      • Check your answers to the Gettysburg Address here
      • Let's practice again with this Lou Gehrig speech (click here).
      • Though this one is not graded, it is your chance to practice these terms which will be used for an assessment at the end of the week..
        1. Be prepared to discuss how these devices add to the persuasive value of each speech in our Zoom time tomorrow. 

        WEDNESDAY 4/1
        • Only one more major assignment before spring break!!!
        • Meet me on Zoom for an intro! 
          • Period 1 at 8:30 am 
          • Period 2 at 9:00 am
          • Period 4 at 9:30 am
          • Enter here!