Friday, March 13

Week of March 16-24

  • Essay Practice: Complete the 55-minute writing piece by hand on notebook paper. 
  • Assignment: Submit your thesis to the google form for feedback (10 pts, Due Monday night by midnight). 
  • I will check your thesis and record a grade on Focus by 9 am. If you get complete credit, then you know the thesis is perfect. If not, you know you need to tweak it. You are free to email me for feedback. Just copy the thesis to the body of the email so we can work on it there.

  • Assignment: Examine both essays. Choose the best one. Type and polish it. Submit it to by Midnight on Tuesday.
  • Journal 31: SAT Essay Process Reflection
    • Check out your last essay, thesis and think about your experience. 
    • What needs do you have after experiencing a first run at the SAT mimicking essay? 
    • What strategies will you apply on the next one? 

  • Meet me on Zoom! Let's do different times for each class, but you can jump in on a later time if you miss your class. 30 minutes each to check in. These will be optional, but for now, let's give it a unified shot. See you there!
    • Period 1 at 8:30 am 
    • Period 2 at 9:00 am
    • Period 4 at 9:30 am
    • Enter here!


  • Journal: 32 ~ Intro to Rhetoric with Two Stories: Complete this online activity comparing two different news reports. Then record a strong paragraph in your journal explaining how you see each writer persuading the reader toward a different persuasion. Exactly how is the writer creating a different belief in each selection? 
  • Post in the Moodle Forum by Friday night (I will grade early Sat. morning). 


Rest or get ahead below. Congratulations! You've survived the first week. I'm proud of you. 

MONDAY 3/23 
Journal 33: Ethos, Logos, Pathos Notes

      Watch this video and answer the questions below. 
  1. Define and give two examples for Ethos. 
  2. Define and give two examples for Logos.
  3. Define and give two examples for Pathos. 

Journal 34: Is a Sophomore a Sophist? 
       Watch this video and record answers to the questions below:
  1. What is Rhetoric? Give a brief description of its origin. 
  2. 6:35 Take more notes on the new information about the three "artistic proofs": Ethos, Logos, and Pathos.
  3. 5:09 Summarize the five cannons of artistic proofs (a name you understand and brief definition will do. No need to use the latin term.)
  4. 8:36 According to Aristotle, what makes a good speech/argument? Why? (What happens if you get off balance?)
  5. 9:00 Which of ethos, logos or pathos is most important? Why?
  6. 11:02 How are intrinsic and extrinsic persuasion different?
  7. Discussion during Office Hours 3/24: Which of Aristotle's three modes of proof do you think is the most important?
  8. Discussion during Office Hours 3/24: How can you increase the likelihood that your audience will perceive you to have a strong ethos? 

  • Look for a new blog and Moodle post for the next week's worth of assignments. 
  • Meet me on Zoom! Be ready to discuss J33.
    • Period 1 at 8:30 am 
    • Period 2 at 9:00 am
    • Period 4 at 9:30 am
    • Enter here!