Affect vs. Effect
Discuss the reading and add to the timeline:
- What is the author trying to tell the reader with the moon motif? (78-80, 87, 99, 100)
Journal 15: A Cycle of Oppression?
- Considering the cycle of poverty below, do you believe Juana and Ama are trapped in the cycle? What would you guess it takes to break out of that cycle? What is Juana's future if she stays in the cycle? Record a well crafted paragraph describing how this cycle is present in our story.
Discuss: Why does the writer choose to compare Ama to La Llorona (96)?
HW: Journal 16 & Read pages 101-124
- Journal 16
- Add to your timeline as you read and be ready to discuss the chapters...
- How has Juana and Ama's relationship changed?
- What is the symbolism of the dog, La Princessa?
- What can you gather from the context about Adelina's personality or background?
- What does the moon mean now?