- nomen, nomin - name
- ped, pod - foot
- graph, gram - write, written
- aud, aus - hear or listen
- scope - see, watch
EQ: How are your short stories coming along?
- Go over Rubric
Short Story #5 - Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl
Journal 38
- Curious about the author, Roald Dahl. Click here
- Define irony. What are the THREE types of irony? Record these in your journal.

J38 continued
1. Explain how each type of irony is evident in the story.
2. What influence does Mary's pregnancy have on the story?
3. Why is Patrick's profession important?
4. Reminder, what is a literary allusion: What is the origin and meaning of the title "Lamb to the Slaughter"? Why is it significant?
5. Why does Mary insist the police eat the leg of lamb?
HW: Complete J38 and continue working on your short story.