- post - after
- pre - before
- pro - before, in favor of
- derm - skin
- domin - master
- don - give
Inquiry Statement: Is it true?
- Our philosophy and lifestyle is formed by the perspectives and themes expressed by those ahead of us.
Discuss the EQ: Why study short stories anyway?
Journal 31 (HW if we do not complete in class)
First, copy the SAT vocab:
- prodigy - child of highly unusual talent or genius
- lamented - said with regret or sorrow
- listlessly - without energy or interest
- discordant - clashing; not in harmony
- dawdled - wasted time; lingered
- stricken - heartbroken
- fiasco - total failure
- nonchalantly - without interest or concern
*Start here or here.
2) List the internal and external conflicts in Two Kinds.
3) What makes this story engaging? List at least two strengths.
4) How would you describe the narrative style of this story? Is there power in the perspective that the author chose to use in her story telling?
5) What symbolic meaning is carried in the two songs at the end? How do they reflect the change that has occurred in Jing-mei?
6) Analysis: Compose a thesis and one paragraph. What is the Tan's main message in Two Kinds and how is she conveying it in this text?