- archos - leader, first, chief
- idios - one's own
- con - with
- ic - nature of, like
- hood - order, condition, quality
- ced, ceed, cede, cess - move, yield, go, surrender
- centri - center
- Heads up: Group 2, you will be preparing this week for your fishbowl coming on Block Day.
- How has PK matured in this chapter? (social skills?)
- What does PK understand about religion from what he's seen? (Fair representation?)
- What can we gather about PK's family from this chapter?
- according to PK What is the purpose of camouflage? (Why does he need it?)
- Record a list of characters and descriptions for the new ones you met in Ch.7.
- This chapter is full of incredible quotes. Find one and explain itsthematic significance.
HW: Begin Ch.8 (Please get to the end of page 164.)
Be able to discuss..
- Who is Doc?
- What do you guess about his "wolves"?
- What do you think is actually going with PK's family financially?