Friday, August 30

Tuesday, Sept.3 ~ Mythology in Advertising

  • circum - around
  • const - stand
  • cide - kill
  • esis, osis - action, process, condition
  • germ - vital part

Quick Review: What is each one known for? 
Image result for olympian gods hierarchy

Journal #8 ~ Allusions to Mythology in Advertising:

*First copy the definition of allusion

ALLUSION: A casual reference in literature to a person, place, event, or another passage of literature, often without explicit identification. Allusions can originate in mythology, biblical references, historical events, legends, geography, or earlier literary works. Authors often use allusion to establish a tone, create an implied association.

We all know that companies create identity by the power of association. They can use association by name or image. What identity did Honda intend on giving their van by giving the name, Odyssey, to this model?

Continuing J8... Identify the Allusion: Using your knowledge of Greek mythology and some internet research, figure out why your assigned company or product is named or branded as it is.
  • In your journal, record the name and a brief description to explain why the company chose that name/logo. To see all images, click here.

HW: Finish all company/description entries in Journal #8 and complete Journal #9.

EQ: Why should we study mythology if they are just false idols anyway? 

Journal #9 (Honors only) ~ Chesterton on Mythology: Read this Chesterton article .
1. Chesterton says that "he who has no sympathy with the myths has no sympathy with men" (361). What does he mean and do you agree?
2. According to Chesterton, where does the need for sacrifice come from? What does it satisfy? Do you think people today still feel that need?
3. According to Chesterton, why is Greek Mythology worth studying?

Wednesday, August 28

Block Day, August 29-30 ~ Hero's Journey

Word Parts

  • bio - life
  • caco - bad
  • escent - in the process of 
  • ese - native of, language of 
  • voc - to call

EQ: Why should we study Greek mythology if they are just false idols anyway? 

Go over Journal 5

Journal 6:What's in your cave? 
Joseph Campbell once said, "The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek." How is this true in life? Explain. What is your "cave" and what could you gain by entering it?
Activity: What story am I telling?
Journal 7: Hero's Journey Application
In small groups, use this chart to figure out how common hero stories fit the pattern. Your group will choose a movie or book to work on together. Some stories may include The Hunger games, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Spiderman, Batman, Superman, Divergent (basically any story you all know).

Welcome Parents!

Amber West 

For God has not 
given us a spirit of 
fear, but of love, 
power and a sound 
~ 2 Timothy 1:7

Tuesday, August 27

Wednesday, August 28 ~ Lewis on Myths

  • bene - well, favorable
  • bible - book
  • ence, ency - action, state of, quality
  • er, or - one who, that which
  • cred - believe

Poster Walk
  • Take notes on the posters in order to prepare for a future quiz. You may put these notes in with your journals as Journal 4, or use this chart as a digital format. (If you use the chart, you will have to add a few more boxes at the bottom to get the ones that were added this year.)

Journal 5: Lewis on Myth
What is it about those myths? Why are they worth studying anyway?
C.S. Lewis has a pretty cool answer. Summarize his thoughts from the short blurb below. What is he saying Greek stories really are? What were the Greeks actually hoping for in their own stories?

In one way, of course, God has given us the Morning Star already: you can go and enjoy the gift on many fine mornings if  you get up early enough. What more, you may ask, do we want? Ah, but we want so much more -- something the books on aesthetics take little notice of. But the poets and the mythologies know all about it. We do not want merely to see beauty, though, God knows, even that is bounty enough. We want something else which can hardly be put into words--to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into ourselves, to bathe in it, to become part of it. That is why we have peopled air and earth and water with gods and goddesses and nymphs and elves--that, though we cannot, yet these projections can enjoy in themselves that beauty, grace, and power of which Nature is the image. That is why the poets tell us such lovely falsehoods. They talk as if the west wind could really sweep into a human soul; but it can't. They tell us that "beauty born of murmuring sound" will pass into a human face; but it won't. Or not yet. For if we take the imagery of scripture seriously, if we believe that God will one day give us the Morning Star and cause us to put on the splendour of the sun, then we may surmise that both the ancient myths and the modern poetry, so false as history, may be very near the truth as prophecy. At present we are on the outside of the world, the wrong side of the door.... but all the leaves of the New Testament are rustling with the rumour that it will not always be so. Someday, God willing, we shall get in. (from The Weight of Glory).

HW: Do a bit of research and talk with your friends. You will soon need to film a Greek Myth. Who will you work with? What myth will you choose? Use this homework free night to explore some myths for fun...I recommend the TED short films on youtube.

Monday, August 26

Tuesday, August 27 ~ Finish those posters!

Want to come to Spain? 
Come to our meeting tomorrow night!
It's right here in M16 from 6:10-6:20 (right in the middle of Back-to-School Night).

Word Parts
  • auto - self                                           
  • bi - two
  • ee - one who receives the action
  • en - made of, to make
  • vict, vinc - conquer

Poster Time! 

They are due tomorrow. Please drop them off in the morning so I can hang them!

Finish the poster & bring it during flex tomorrow.

Monday, August 26 ~ Greek Posters

  • aqua - water 
  • archaios - ancient 
  • cian - processing a specific skill or art
  • cy - action, function
  • phys - body

Turn in True Colors Writings today!

Poster Time
EQ: What will it take for you to finish this poster in the first 15 minutes tomorrow? 

Wednesday, August 21

Block Day, August 22-23 ~ Greek Gods Begin!

  • anthro - man
  • anti - against
  • ance, ancy - action, process, state
  • ary, ery, ory - relating to, quality, place where
  • luc, lum, lus, lun - light

Half hour of promised work time. Use it wisely!

Let's preview our next unit: Greek Mythology!

Honors EQ: Why should we study Greek mythology if they are just false idols anyway? What do you already know about Greek gods/myths? Is there anything that especially peaks your interest on this topic? 

Mythology Posters are coming. Here are some of the possible subjects for your group (You may chose a partner). 

Greek Gods (Roman Name)

  1. Zeus (Jupiter, Jove)
  2. Hera (Juno)
  3. Poseidon (Neptune)
  4. Dionysus (Bacchus)
  5. Apollo (Apollo)
  6. Artemis (Diana)
  7. Hermes (Mercury)
  8. Athena (Minerva)
  9. Ares (Mars)
  10. Aphrodite (Venus)
  11. Hephaestus (Vulcan)
  12. Demeter (Ceres) 
  1. Phaethon
  2. Medusa
  3. Atlas
  4. Nike
  5. Hydra
  6. Python
  7. Oracle
  8. Amazon
  9. Hercules
Record of claimed characters for West.
Record of claimed characters for Renard.

HW: Bring anything you want to use for your poster.

Poster Assignment Description

You will be making a poster of your god or goddess. You will have class time today and Monday to complete the poster. Posters will be displayed to teach others.  
  • One person needs to get your poster board
  • Don't forget to put your names and period on it!
  • Everyone needs to bring colored pens and pencils.
  • You will need to incorporate text and drawings. 
Poster Requirements 
~ Please record your notes as Journal #3: Poster Prep
  • What is the basic origin and history of this Olympian? Don't forget to include both Greek and Roman names of your god.
  • What is this god or goddess associated with (wine, fertility, war, death, grain, a certain planet, an occupation, etc.)? 
  • What symbols usually attend this god or goddess (eagle, thunderbolt, winged shoes, etc.)? 
  • Explain a favorite story in which this god or goddess chiefly figures.
  • Note at least one reference or allusion one may find in arts and culture (music, painting, ads, etc.). 
  • Search the Scriptures: Find a verse, passage, or story from the Bible that relates to a story from your god or goddess (perhaps the moral is similar; perhaps it is opposite; perhaps the story appears to be a modified reflection of a story in the Bible)
  • Lastly, find at least one modern word (or word root) that is derived from your god or goddess.  Include that word or root and its definition on your poster.
  • Click here for the rubric.

Teacher Color Results

Preview attachment IMG_2874.jpg

Tuesday, August 20

Wednesday, August 21 ~ Teachers have colors too!

Announcement: Please bring a posterboard to class tomorrow or Monday at the latest! (fWe're talking the flimsy poster boards, not the foam board stuff please.)

Word Parts: Create a Prefixes/Suffixes section of the notebook, please record the beginning of all three lists and brainstorm at least two words for each part. BONUS! Can you create a word that uses a part from all three lists?

a, an - without or not
ab, abs, a - apart, away from

able, ible - able, capable
ade - result of action

Root Review
duc, duct ~ lead

Finish PPT and Discuss J1 
EQ: Are these colors true for you? Where do you see these traits come out in your life?

True Colors Part 2
EQ: How do your colors interact with those of your teachers and classmates?

  • Do you think it is more beneficial to have a teacher whose colors match yours or whose colors balance yours?
The second part of this concept is that we can think about the people we are learning with in terms of their strengths and weaknesses. If we know each other better, then we can value them and communicate better. Even teachers are part of that consideration.

TC Part 2: click here to view this power point.

Journal 2:  Teacher Colors

  • Take notes on how your colors might interact with what you guess are your most challenging teacher's colors. How will you survive this year?

Assignment: True Colors Write Up

  • Due Monday in class
  • Includes both short story and short reflection (outlined below)
  • Typed and printed, MLA (double spaced, 12 pt. font, MLA heading, etc...)

Write a 1-page reflection of how your personality traits can be a strength or weakness when it comes to school. Give examples or illustrations of how you've seen this play out in your life. What are your survival strategies for working well with both teachers and students who often have such different thinking styles? Survival strategies should include both how you will bank on your strengths as well as ways you can help yourself with your weaknesses.

Tuesday, August 20 ~ Picture Day!

Picture Day

Word Parts
Leadership Opportunity... and Roots Quiz buffer if you need it later.

  • ad - toward
  • agere - act
  • age - act of, state of, result of
  • al - relating to
  • mit, miss - send

True Colors
Finish up power point and begin your assignment:

Assignment: True Colors Gettin' Real

Today, you are a short story writer who has been commissioned to demonstrate the True Colors Personality Types in the characters of your story. Luckily, the main character is none other than your lovely self.

Your audience consists of a stressed out crowd who just needs a good laugh.

Your product: A short story (2-3 pages, MLA, double-spaced, 12 pt. font). This first-person story must explain how you, as the main character, would react to one of the situations below. You must also include at least two other characters based on your real friends or family acting in their own dominant color types.

Situation Options: Choose one.
  1. "So there I was in tenth grade gym class at a new, huge school, doing sit-ups and a person I do not know at all is holding my feet down. As I come up to the top of a sit-up, I let an unexpected one loose. The girl/guy holding my feet let go as if I'd torched him/her with my fart; the class erupts into laughter. The gym teacher tries not to laugh while telling all of us: 'It's natural.'
  2.  "One day in ninth grade, I was walking home and my friends who took the  bus home from school yelled my name and waved out the window. I turned to look as I heard my crush’s voice. Then, I WALKED INTO A POLE!  Everyone who was waving started laughing and I was sure my crush saw me ‘crash and burn’. Most embarrassing moment ever!”
  3. "Last year, during finals we were all taking the toughest test yet (insert class here). I was starving at we still had at least an hour until lunch. Suddenly my stomach let out the longest, lowest growl. Everyone laughed. (Insert teacher) quickly told us to quiet down and maintain a testing environment. From that point on, my stomach continued to voice its protest just about every ten minutes like a sad, strange alarm clock."
  4. "At the department story I really had to pee. Finally, I found one of those single-stall, unisex bathrooms. When I walked in, everything looked clean, but the smell was gnarly! I quickly did my business and rushed out of there, only to find a cute stranger waiting to be next, leaning against the wall. We exchanged awkward eye contact as s/he smelt the horrid aroma, assuming it was my fault. I was mortified."
  5. "Last week at the gym/practice I had to run several miles on the treadmill. Once second I was running, happily singing along to my favorite mix. The next minute, the machine seemed to unexpectedly speed up. Suddenly I was slammed against the hot, moving conveyor belt and swooped to the back wall in a heap feeling like I had taken a wild ride from some mix of Aladdin's magic carpet and a mechanical bull."
  6. "It was my first (insert meaningful even such as a job interview or date) and I had an unexpected attack of sneezes. I thought I had escaped embarrassment, but alas I looked down and noticed a lovely..and large booger that had landed right in the middle of my shirt."
  7. Your own most embarrassing or made up silly story… just make us laugh!

Friday, August 16

Monday, August 19 ~ I See Your True Colors

First, let's score these surveys.
Image result for cyndi lauper
She said it you know who she is?
You can watch the cheesy 80s video if you want to.

Now it's time to share your top two colors here.

True Colors Part 1
Psalm 139: 13-14 tells it best.
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Inquiry Statement: Is it true?

   Perspectives change as we take an open-minded point of view and recognize human dignity.

Consider the quote from Dan Rockwell... "Enlightenment happens when we see ourselves and others in a new light - when we rethink beliefs and challenge assumptions."

How can we be enlightened about the people we are so used to seeing...the people who we are used to being annoyed by...the people we have history with?

So what do these colors mean?

PAUSE! Organize that notebook... Word Parts (20 pgs in front), Grammar (20 pgs in back), and Content (all the pages in the middle).

Journal #1: True Colors
As we go through the power point, take notes on three things:
  • What words or ideas from your top color describe your personal strengths and weaknesses?
  • What words or ideas from your second color match you the most?
  • Considering your traits, record five examples of how you've seen your true colors manifest in your life circumstances...story time!
Test a staff member or teacher for their colors. Bring your results asap! There may be a small treat in exchange....

Wednesday, August 14

Block Day, August 15-16 ~ Day 2

Finish Syllabus

Know thy BLOG!
  • Go to and enter your code. Password is mustangs.
    • Period 1 ~ 21893332
    • Period 2 ~ 21893352
    • Period 4 ~ 21893361
  • Noodling Around

Writing Sample
  • 3-4 paragraphs
  • Write down a real story from your life this summer that will give me a taste of who you are. 
  • Don't forget to name your story!
  • Suggestion: give your story closure by ending with a discussion of what the story shows about you or what you learned about yourself.

Homework - Due Monday
  • Please fill out this document (I have paper copies in class). Don't worry about scoring it. I'll help you on Monday. Please enter scores here by the end of class on Monday. 
  • Please buy yourself a single-subject notebook or journal for this class. Get some rest after this first week!

Monday, August 12

Wednesday, August 14 ~ Welcome!

Good Morning!

As you come in, please answer these questions on the lined side of the notecard provided on the desk.

Info Card
  • On the front please write your preferred name (Write big to fill the card! It has to show up in the picture:)
  • On the back...
  • Where are you from?
  • What is your passion?
  • What is your pet peeve?
  • Favorite candy or salty snack?
  • What is one thing you want people to know or understand about who you are? 
  • What should I know about you as a student to help me teach you better this year?

Syllabus: Here is a basic syllabus to get us going, but please click here for the full version of our syllabus or click here for the Parent Student Handbook.

Not tonight. Rest well and charge that ipad!