Friday, January 18

Tuesday, Jan.22 ~ "If" you can remember the first 8 lines...

Announcement: Don't forget to check the post for details on Winter Ball here.

Practice "If" and take Stanza 1 Quiz (8 lines)
Are...                                                               ,
If....                                                                    ,
But.....                                                              ;
If.....                                                                   ,
Or....                                 ,                               ,
Or....                                 ,                                  ,
And....                               ,                               :

When you finish, start Journal 10: Sonnets by recording definitions of volta, octave, sestet and quatrain from the sonnet section, click here (look under Petrarchan Sonnet and Shakespearean sonnet.

Let's practice for the poetic devices quiz tomorrow with this Kahoot.

HW: Study! You will need to know the definitions of each device and be able to identify when a device is used in a poem.

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