Wednesday, January 30

Block Day, Jan.31 ~ Sonnets Over ICE

In Class Essay Today.

  • You may use your journals
  • You may have all the time
  • Remember to only choose ONE of the poems. Don't write about both or compare.
  • Remember to write the title of the poem at the top of your essay. 

Notes: Quoting Poetry

Rule 1: When quoting a line or two of poetry, include the line numbers at the end.
Rule 2: If you are quoting two lines of poetry, use a slash to show the line breaks.
  • Example: Frost's poem states, "Separate each line/ Of the Poem" (3-4). 
Rule 3: If you only want to quote a word or two, surround the word or phrase with quotationsand wait until the end of the sentence to include the line number. 
  • Example: Frost uses the word "sleep" to imply fantasies about solitude and perhaps death (15). 
Rule 4: If you have more than three lines, use block quotation format. 
  • Example below: 
In a poem, "If," Rudyard Kipling addresses sportsmanship when he discusses risks:
               If you can make one heap of all your winnings
               And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
               And lose, and start again at your beginnings
               And never breathe a word about your loss; (17-20)
And carry on with the paragraph below the excerpt.....

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