Tuesday, December 4

Tuesday, December 4 ~ Short Story #4 Through the Tunnel

  • sol(us) - alone
  • subter - under, secret
  • syn, sin, sys - together, with
  • tele - distance

  • derm - skin
  • poli - city

JOURNAL 33: Through the Tunnel by Doris Lessing (Click here for the story)

  • EQ: What steps go into a Plot?

COPY THESE NOTES: Plot - a general pattern of events that takes place in the narrative and the resolution of the conflict between the protagonist and antagonist .
  • Beginning
    • exposition
    • complication or inciting incident (the antagonist presents an obstacle to the protagonist)
    • rising action which features
      • crisis points
  • Middle
    • climax or ultimate crisis
      • there may be a black moment (darkest point of the climax)
      • the protagonist may experience an epiphany, sudden realization, clarification, or anagnorisis
  • End
    • falling action, denouement
      • resolution
      • open ending
      • closed ending

  1. contrition - a state of feeling crushed by guilt
  2. luminous - bright or shining
  3. supplication - the action of asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly
  4. sputtering - spitting or spraying
  5. beseeching - urgently requesting someone to do something
  6. minute - tiny
  7. clambered - to climb, move, or get out of something in an awkward or laborious way
  8. incredulous - unbelievable
  9. gout - a type of arthritis

1. Before you read: Have you ever taken a risk to prove yourself before? Do you find it convincing that Jerry takes such a large risk and survives?
2. After you read: Track the plot in this story, bullet point style or with a diagram.

HW: Read Through the Tunnel. Then complete Journal 33 & 34

Journal 34: Record the plot line of your own story.

**Journal Check on Block. Roots Quiz moved to Tuesday, December 11.**

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