Monday, February 6

Tuesday, Feb.6 ~ No Fear Shakespeare

Essays turned in.


New Category: Anatomy
  • Ped – foot
  • Man – hand
  • Corp – body


 Image result for shakespeare

EQ: What do you already know about William Shakespeare?

Journal 9: Who was Shakespeare?
Use the Shakespeare Facts to answer the following questions:
  1. What speculations are made about Shakespeare's birthday? On what special day was he possibly born and then died on that same special day forty-eight years later?
  2. Where was Shakespeare born?
  3. How many different signatures did Shakespeare have?
  4. How old was Shakespeare when he married Miss Anne Hathaway?
  5. What "useful skill" was a requirement for Shakespeare when he was in grammar school? 
  6. What were the "pull factors" for London in the mid-fifteen-hundreds? In other words: why did Shakespeare, along with many others, land themselves in London?
  7. Special effects we see in movies today are quite spectacular. In Shakespeare's time, special effects seemed to be quite laborious, as well as dangerous. Explain. 
  8. Explain "flying in".
  9. What happened to The Globe in 1613? What's different about the new Globe built in 1997?
  10. Which one of Shakespeare's plays was the first to be performed at the Globe in 1599?
  11. Why were playhouses such as the Globe, built on the south bank of the River Thames?
  12. Which area on our vary own campus is fashioned similarly to the Globe?
  13. Where was the term "box office" derived?
  14. Whew! Movies today can cost a fortune! How about in Shakespeare's time? Who attended? What was the cost? Why was it so cheap?
  15. What is meant by "pippin-pelted?" Who was pippin-pelted and why?
  16. The Globe (outdoor theater) vs. indoor theaters. Which would you choose if you were a play goer in Shakespeare's time? Why? 
  17. It seems plays of Shakespeare's time were just as brutal as some of the horror and violence we see in movies today. Explain. (Hint: What happened in Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus?
  18. Who was the Master of Revels? What was his job? How did playwrights avoid his censorship? 
  19. Describe each of the three categories plays of Shakespeare's time fell into. Give an example of one of Shakespeare's plays for each.
  20. Playwrights of Shakespeare's time were not exactly loaded, unlike the movie producers and other Hollywood elites of today.  Briefly talk about how they made their modest income.
  • Finish the Shakespeare Fact questions. Be prepared for discussion tomorrow. You will be graded on your preparedness. 

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