Friday, February 24

Monday, Feb.26 ~ Catch up day!

  • Mar, mari, mer - sea, pool
  • nat, nasa - to be from, to spring forth
  • nox, noc - night


  • Save these! We will do another ICE next week. 

  • Go over the play so far
  • Read together

HW: Finish 3.4 & complete J21.

Journal 21  Act IV, Scene 3 (pg.56)3
  1. What wrong does Cassius say Brutus has done him?
  2. In response, what does Brutus condemn Cassius for doing?
  3. What does Cassius threaten to do if Brutus continues to “urge” him? 
  4. According to Brutus, how has Cassius wronged him? What is ironic about Brutus's accusation?
  5. To prove that he has been wronged, what does Cassius tell Brutus to do to him?
  6. What is the real reason for Brutus's ill temper? Give all of the details.
  7. Messala brings what ill news of the triumvirate's actions in Rome?
  8. What reasons does Cassius give for not going directly to Philippi?
  9. What reasons does Brutus give for going directly to Philippi? Who prevails?
  10. What happens to make Brutus speed up his plans to go to Philippi?

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