Wednesday, February 19

Block Day, Feb.20-21 ~ Poetry Begins

Confused Words Quiz

Journal 19: What is Poetry?
1) How do you define what poetry is to our society today? (make sure you include what qualifies as poetry).
2) Does society need poetry/poets?
3) Can poetic expression be more powerful than a conversation or speech on the same topic? When?
4) What is your gut reaction to studying poetry? Explain.

Poetry Posters 
*Click here to remember which term your group was assigned.
*Due end of class on Monday
*Work in partners or groups of three
*Resource: Quizlet

Your Posters should teach the term to other students!

Posters must include:
  • The Term (from quizlet)
  • The definition (from quizlet)
  • Example lines or a stanza (paragraph) of poetry that includes the device. You can write this or find an example online. 
  • An image that helps to teach the device or illustrates the example. 
  • Extra poster board on table; supplies are in the gray cabinet.
If time, use the Journals tab to make sure your journals are complete.
HW: Bring anything you need to finish your poster in class on Monday.