Word Parts
- ambi, amphi - round, both sides
- dis - not, apart
- algia - pain
- an, ian - native of, relating to
- aster, astr - star
- spec, spect, spic - look
Finish the PPT and J12 from Monday.
Inquiry Statement: Considering an opponent's perspective and context, paves a way for peace, justice, and conflict management.
- EQ Discussion: Knowing what you do now about Bryce Courtenay and South Africa during the 40s-50s, how do you guess Courtenay was a prime communicator to consider the perspectives and context that were needed to bring peace at the time?
Distribute Books
- Your next essay will be a synthesis of research about a chosen topic.
- You may choose your own research question centered around Nelson Mandela or Apartheid. Consider a specific question such as...
- What inspired Mandela? What made him a strong leader, strong enough to persist for almost fifty years? What was the process of change after the apartheid laws had been outlawed? etc...
- Journal 13: Research Qs (Record at least two possible research questions you'd like to consider)
Distribute Books
Read as much of Ch.1 out loud as we have time for.
- Check Point: What racism are we witnessing here? Who hates who? What color are they?
HW: Finish reading Ch.1 (Warning...there may be a reading quiz tomorrow.)