Tuesday, November 6

Tuesday, November 6 ~ Grammar Quiz

Quick Review: Dangling Modifiers & Parallel Structure

Grammar Quiz on Examsoft

When you finish...

Journal 27: Write a 1/2 page reflection on the end of the novel answering the following questions.
  • Why do you believe Courtenay ended the condensed edition with this chapter? What themeatic meaning can you draw from it? 
  • What audience do you believe he was trying to appeal to with this novel? (How do you know from the text?) Consider the quote below:
  • "Courtenay’s novel was published during the tail end of apartheid when most foreign governments were openly critical of South African stance on race, but Courtenay did not write this book as one more voice to condemn anyone in South Africa. His choice of a child protagonist is partially to present a first-person perspective of the racism Courtenay saw as a child without forcing judgement on the country" (Jopek).
HW: Word Parts Quiz on block. Study!

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