Wednesday, August 30

Block Day, 8/31-9/1 ~ It's all Greek to Me!

FYI: No school on Monday! It's Labor Day 

  • anthro - man
  • anti - against
  • ance, ancy - action, process, state
  • ary, ery, ory - relating to, quality, place where
  • luc, lum, lus, lun - light

Essays & Quizzes Back 

Journal 4
After looking over your essay, use the rubric and feedback to write down at least two strengths from your essay and two goals for your future writing in this class. Especially, what would it take to get top scores on the top two rows from the SAT rubric? How about ways to push your score with the vocab, sentence structure and overall grammar?

Let's preview our next unit: Greek Mythology!

EQ: Why should we study Greek mythology if they are just false idols anyway? What do you already know about Greek gods/myths? Is there anything that especially peaks your interest on this topic? 

Mythology Posters are coming. Here are some of the possible subjects for your group (You may chose 2-3 partners). 


  1. Zeus (Jupiter, Jove)
  2. Hera (Juno)
  3. Poseidon (Neptune)
  4. Dionysus (Bacchus)
  5. Apollo (Apollo)
  6. Artemis (Diana)
  7. Hermes (Mercury)
  8. Athena (Minerva)
  9. Ares (Mars)
  10. Aphrodite (Venus)
  11. Hephaestus (Vulcan)
  12. Demeter (Ceres) 
  1. Phaethon
  2. Medusa
  3. Atlas
  4. Nike
  5. Hydra
  6. Python
  7. Oracle
  8. Amazon
If we have time, you may claim your god/character.

HW: Nope, but you will need a poster board next week if ya happen to be at the store this weekend.

For future reference:
Poster Assignment Description

You will be making a poster of your god or goddess. You will have class time today and Monday to complete the poster. Posters will be displayed to teach others.  
  • One person needs to get your poster board
  • Don't forget to put your names and period on it!
  • Everyone needs to bring colored pens and pencils.
  • You will need to incorporate text and drawings. 
Poster Requirements 
~ Please record your notes as Journal #5
  • What is the basic origin and history of this Olympian? Don't forget to include both Greek and Roman names of your god.
  • What is this god or goddess associated with (wine, fertility, war, death, grain, a certain planet, an occupation, etc.)? 
  • What symbols usually attend this god or goddess (eagle, thunderbolt, winged shoes, etc.)? 
  • Explain a favorite story in which this god or goddess chiefly figures.
  • Note at least one reference or allusion one may find in arts and culture (music, painting, ads, etc.). 
  • Search the Scriptures: Find a verse, passage, or story from the Bible that relates to a story from your god or goddess (perhaps the moral is similar; perhaps it is opposite; perhaps the story appears to be a modified reflection of a story in the Bible)
  • Lastly, find at least one modern word (or word root) that is derived from your god or goddess.  Include that word or root and its definition on your poster.

Back to School Night 2017

6:30-6:40 PM Period 1
6:45-6:55 PM Period 2
7:00-7:10 PM Period 3
7:15-7:25 PM Period 4
7:30-7:40 PM Period 5
7:45-7:55 PM Period 6
8:00-8:10 PM Period 7

Tuesday, August 29

Wednesday, August 30 ~ Teacher Colors

EQ: Are your parents coming to Back-to-School Night tonight?

  • ad - toward
  • agere - act
  • age - act of, state of, result of
  • al - relating to
  • mit, miss - send

True Colors Part 2
EQ: How do your colors interact with those of your teachers and classmates?

  • Do you think it is more beneficial to have a teacher whose colors match yours or whose colors balance yours?
The second part of this concept is that we can think about the people we are learning with in terms of their strengths and weaknesses. If we know each other better, then we can value them and communicate better. Even teachers are part of that consideration.
TC Part 2: click here to view this power point.

  • Add to J2: Take notes on how your colors might interact with what you guess are your most challenging teacher's colors. How will you survive this year?

Due Block Day: Journal #3 ~ True Colors Assessment Journal 
  • Write a 1-page reflection to describe a real example or two of how your personality type is true in your own life and how it interacts with others. Please include some reflection of how your personality traits can be a strength or weakness when it comes to school. What are your keep survival strategies to working well with both teachers and students who are often so different from you in thinking style? 

Monday, August 28

Tuesday, August 29 ~ Can we jive?

Word Parts: In your Prefixes/Suffixes section of the notebook, please record the beginning of all three lists and brainstorm at least two words for each part. BONUS! Can you create a word that uses a part from all three lists?

a, an - without or not
ab, abs, a - apart, away from

able, ible - able, capable
ade - result of action

Root Review
duc, duct ~ lead

Finish PPT and Discuss J1 Are these colors true for you?

True Colors Part 2
EQ: How do your colors interact with those of your teachers and classmates?

  • Do you think it is more beneficial to have a teacher whose colors match yours or whose colors balance yours?
The second part of this concept is that we can think about the people we are learning with in terms of their strengths and weaknesses. If we know each other better, then we can value them and communicate better. Even teachers are part of that consideration.
TC Part 2: click here to view this power point.

  • Add to J2: Take notes on how your colors might interact with what you guess are your most challenging teacher's colors. How will you survive this year?

Due Block Day: Journal #3 ~ True Colors Assessment Journal 
  • Write a 1-page reflection to describe a real example or two of how your personality type is true in your own life and how it interacts with others. Please include some reflection of how your personality traits can be a strength or weakness when it comes to school. What are your keep survival strategies to working well with both teachers and students who are often so different from you in thinking style? 

Picture Schedule

Period 1  9:06 am
Period 2 9:56 am
Period 3 10:56 am
Period 5 1:16 pm
Period 6 1:58 pm

Monday, August 28 ~ I see you....

DUE: Hobbit Write and True Colors Worksheets
*Note, I realize that one of the three posts on the blog contained a typo error that it is due on Wednesday and that Focus did not save my assignment due date. My deepest apologies for all the confusion. I will take the essay as on-time credit at the latest by Wednesday morning before school so that I can frantically grade them before block day.

REMINDER: Don't forget to get that Hobbit Write uploaded to please!

Image result for cyndi lauper

WARM UP: True Colors

True Colors Part 1
Psalm 139: 13-14 tells it best.
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

EQ: So what do these colors mean?
Journal Entry #1: True Colors
As we go through the power point, take notes on three things:
  • What words or ideas from your top color describe your personal strengths and weaknesses?
  • What words or ideas from your second color match you the most?

HW: Double check these items...

  • Have you printed your Hobbit Write?
  • Have you uploaded the Hobbit Write to
  • Did you complete today's journal?
  • Did you turn in your colors to the Google form linked above? 

Also a heads up! Tomorrow is picture day and back to school night is Wednesday evening.

Tuesday, August 22

Wednesday-Friday 8/23-25 ~ Let's watch The Hobbit

First, a spot of grammar practice:
For Wednesday...Fragment Practice
For Thursday...Fragment Practice
For Friday...Fragment Practice

Please enjoy The Hobbit as you gather your ideas and quotes for the essay (due hard copy Monday 8/28. See Moodle).

Image result for the hobbit
And won't you also make this a most hospitable time for our sub? 

Hobbit Write

Assignment: After reading the novel and viewing the film, compose a well-written 2-3 page essay discussing one of the prompts below. Please use at least three quotes from the novel and eliminate as many grammatical errors as possible. You are welcome to use your annotated copy of the novel; don’t forget to include page numbers with your quotes. All essays due typed and printed on Wednesday (August 30). We will also turn them in to that day in class. Print ahead of time. Do NOT come late to class.


  • Music: Discuss the role that music plays in the development of musical beings. Compare the songs sung by the dwarves (pp. 14-15), the elves (pp. 48-49), and goblins (pp. 60-61). How do the songs differ in tone, content and structure? What do the tone, content and structure of the songs reveal about the creatures who sing them? 
  • Technology: What is Tolkien suggesting by linking his fantasy world to the reader’s modern world? What commentary is he making about the use of technology? Consider the following quote: “It is not unlikely that they [goblins] invented some of the machines that have since troubled the world, especially the ingenious devices for killing large numbers of people at once” (62). 
  • Fancy Weapons: Why is it significant for Tolkien to have given the elves named swords? What message do you think is conveyed by the names given to the swords and the hands they fall into? 
  • Adventure Sensitive: What do you think Tolkien is trying to say about the purpose of trials and tribulations in a person’s life? Consider that from the very beginning, Bilbo has assumed that the climax of the adventure would be the recovery of the treasure. Then he realizes that Smaug must also be dealt with. Now he finds that even Smaug’s death does not end the adventure. Bilbo never would have agreed to the adventure, knowing what it lead him to. What is Tolkien saying about adventure and trials? 
  • Greed: Trace Thorin’s moral degeneration. What causes him to change? In what ways does he end up being similar to Smaug? Why do you think he is so easily corrupted? 
  • Gandalf: What is the role of Gandalf in The Hobbit? Pay particular attention to his presence in terms of the way the book is structured. What is particularly significant about his presence at the beginning and end of the story? At what points does he leave? At what points does he return? How powerful is Gandalf? 
  • Racial Tension: Examine the treatment of race in The Hobbit. Is it fair to suggest that all members of a certain group (dwarves, trolls, goblins, elves, etc.) share the same characteristics? How does this treatment of ethnic groups reflect the cultural perspective of past times? How might this book be different if it were written today? 

Tuesday 822 ~ Hobbit Quiz!

Today we will take The Hobbit Quiz, but first, let's review the essay that is due on Monday, 8/28.

Image result for the hobbit

After the quiz, please choose a prompt and begin the writing process.

Please note, I will be gone Wednesday 8/23 - Friday 8/25. If you have questions, feel free to email me. Printed Essays will be due Monday 8/28.

Friday, August 18

Monday 8/21 ~ Hobbit Talk in the Flesh

Due: Hobbit Annotations and Two Forum Posts

EQ: Are you ready for The Hobbit Quiz tomorrow?

Review The Hobbit Forum and whatever else the conversation leads us to.
Do we really have a test next class? 

It might be worth discussing how to organize that lovely journal eh?

HW: Grammar ~ Fragment Notes ~ Journal #1

Take notes on:
Finding and Fixing Fragments
Fragment Practice

Thursday, August 17

Block Day 8/17-18 ~ Cut the Fluff...No Raise it

A few things I must say...
  • Moodle vs. the blog vs. Focus
  • Plagiarism/Cheating
  • Emergency Drills
  • Late Work
  • Absent/Tardies (mine and yours)
  • Grading
  • Homework/Journals
  • Communication
  • Respect

Now for the fun stuff!

Warm-up: Introduce yourself to the people sitting next to you. You will need to create groups of three.

The Marshmallow Challenge
Image result for the marshmallow challenge
Let's face it, we'd all give a pretty penny to spend just one more summer night around a campfire roasting s'mores and not worrying about school tomorrow morning, but....since summer is over we'll do the next best thing.

Image result for the marshmallow challenge

The Marshmallow Experiment ~ Directions
  • The winning team is the one that has the tallest structure measured from the table top surface to the top of the freestanding marshmallow. That means the structure cannot be suspended from a higher structure, like a hand, chair, ceiling or chandelier. 
EQ: What does a marshmallow challenge have to do with English? 

Homework: Annotations and Two Forum Responses due Monday! Bring your journals too.
This weekend, look over your annotations in The Hobbit. Use these thoughts to create posts on our Moodle classroom. Just go to our class, then to the "Beginning of the Year" unit, and click on "Hobbit Talk." For full credit, please post at least twice under any topic you like. Due Sunday night by midnight (20 points for two considerate and detailed responses). More detailed directions are in Moodle.

Wednesday, August 9


Good morning!

What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?

Have you finished The Hobbit yet?

1. Info Card
  • On the front please write your preferred name (Write big to fill the card! It has to show up in the picture:)
  • On the back...
    • Where are you from?
    • What is your passion?
    • What is your pet peeve?
    • What is one thing you want people to know or understand about who you are? 
    • What should I know about you as a student to help me teach you better this year?

2. Blog: Please add the blog to your home screen. 

3. Moodle: Please enroll in our Moodle course 

  • Course: English II Hon - Amber West
  • Password: Period1#, Period2#, Period3#, etc....

4. Syllabus: Here is a basic syllabus to get us going, but please click here for the extended version of our syllabus or click here for the Parent Student Handbook.

HW: Add the blog to your home screen and get ready for The Hobbit Quiz!