Monday, November 27

Tuesday, November 28 ~ Short Story #2: The Masque of the Red Death


  • utilis - useful
  • vide, visibil, vis - see
  • dox - opinion, praise 
  • dura - lasting
Image result for masque of the red death

  • Review J27 Two Kinds: Conflict? Theme? 
  • EQ: What is allegory?
LIT NOTES ~ Add these definitions to your journals section.
SHORT STORY #6 "The Masque of the Red Death " by Edgar Allan Poe
  • Who was Poe? What other works from Poe have you read?
Image result for masque of the red death

Journal 28 

SAT Vocab:
  1. profuse - plentiful
  2. sagacious - wise
  3. voluptuous - characterized with luxury or pleasure
  4. contagion - the spreading of disease
  5. imperial - majestic
  6. emanating - coming forth
  7. sedate - calm; quiet
  8. pervaded - spread throughout
  9. piquancy - a pleasantly sharp or appetizing flavor
  10. phantasm - a figment of the imagination; an illusion
  11. cessation - ceasing or stopping
  12. disapprobation - strong disapproval, usually on moral grounds
  13. propriety - quality of being proper
  14. tangible - something that can be touched
  15. impetuosity - impulsive or rash 
1. The rich and powerful might build walls around their sprawling estates to block out the upsetting parts of life. What realities of life must people face no matter who they are?
2. Google search: What are the symptoms of the pneumonic plague?
3. Consider the Allegory feature. Define as many symbols as you can, bullet-point style. What is the "story below the surface" if you translate each symbol? (Include at least these: Prince Prospero, the abbey, the gate, the masquerade, the ebony clock and TIME, the winding hallway, all the different colors of rooms, & the intruder)

HW: Complete J28

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