Wednesday, November 15

Block Day, November 16 & 17 ~ Dangling Modifiers Notes


  • syn, sin - together, with
  • tele - distance
  • scrib, script - write
  • sed, sid, sess - sit

Writing Preview

  • Writing to entertain is quite different from writing to prove (as we do in essays). Creative writing involves a bit more finesse, description and sense of personal style. When mastered, these things only make academic writing even better. Let's have some fun with a few rounds of speed writing. You are welcome to use either digital or handwriting in this activity.
  • Directions: For each prompt below, write for five minutes straight. Don't overthink the details, just start writing when the timer begins. When the timer ends, you will pass the writing to another person who will continue your writing for three minutes. Lastly, a third person will get one minute to resolve the story/scene/editorial rant.
Let the creative rounds begin!
  1. Welcome to Thanksgiving 2067! We now have the power to resurrect any person we want. Who would you resurrect? Write a quick description of what it was like when you invited this mystery person to join you and your family for the Thanksgiving holiday.
  2. Pretend you are a very special Turkey, possibly named Granpa Chook. You are able to both understand English and write...with your beak of course! Write a letter to Americans to convince them not to eat turkey for Thanksgiving this year. 
  3. Often during the Thanksgiving meal, there is a "children's table" and an "adult table." Write a colorful description of the glories awaiting you at the table you deem more enjoyable.
  4. Write a description of the ultimate Thanksgiving either according to your own traditions or the ones you would like to enact in the future when you are one day in charge of planning this holiday. 

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