Monday, August 22

Tuesday, Aug.23 ~ Picture Day!

Photo Schedule
P.1 ~ 9:15
P.2 ~ 9:55
P.3 ~ 11:05
P.4 ~ 11:35

Roots: Keep a running list in the back of your journal. For each word, record the root word, the definition and at least three words that use that root in both spelling and meaning.

  • bio - life
  • capit, capt - lead
  • carn - flesh

Journal 2: Color Collaboration (You get to talk and reflect with your kind:)
*If you tested a teacher, tell me ASAP!
  1. How does your color play into the way you like to learn or show your learning? (What types of projects or assignments work well? What happens to you in group work, etc...)
  2. How do people of your personality type tend to be misunderstood? What would you tell people to understand you better? 
  3. What kinds of teachers/class environments can you benefit from the most? 

*Please register for today! Your course codes are in the "Course Info" tab.

Due Friday: True Colors Essay (hard copy and on 
  • Essay Described: Write a 1-2 page narrative essay (that's an essay based on stories from your life!) to describe a real example or two of how your personality type is true in your own life and how it interacts with others. Along with your story, please include some reflection of how your personality traits can be a strength or weakness when it comes to school. How will you succeed in learning from/with teachers and students who are so different from you? Due Friday 8/28 as a hard copyClick here to view the rubric.

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