Tuesday, September 8

Tuesday 9/8/15 ~ Are you a story teller?

  • inter - between
  • legis (leg) - law


EQ: What makes a story told memorable? 

  • You will be assigned a group and a myth. It is your job to teach the myth, but there is one trick... It must be set in today's world. Use the characters, moral and plot from your myth, but with a modern day flare.
  • What is required?
    • Due block day! Presentations must be no more than 8 minutes.
    • You and your group members must engage the audience in a way that they will definitely remember the myth you've taught them. 
    • Think, how can I make my story entertaining and visual enough to get people to pay attention and remember what I've taught? 
    • Grade: 20 pts. based on creativity (5), clarity (5), detail (5), and individual effort (5). 

HW: Buy your Blood Brothers book asap!

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