Monday, March 14

Monday 3/14 ~ Poetry...The problem is this..we know we're either gonna hit it or miss.

EQ: Does society need poetry?

  • Finish presentations
  • Papers back
  • Journal 17: What is poetry to you? What is your gut reaction to the idea of studying it? Why?
  • Agree/Disagree
  1. Poetry must rhyme to be good.
  2. Poetry is for expressing emotions.
  3. Poetry makes you sound "deep."
  4. Music lyrics classify as poetry.
  5. A poem always has a hidden meaning. 
  6. Poetry can be more powerful than a conversation.
  7. Society needs poets and poetry.


  • Buy a posterboard! You'll need it this week.
  • I will buy your hard copy books of Across a Hundred Mountains for 5 pts. EC
  • HW: Pick your independent reading novel.

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