Monday, November 2

Finals Study Guide

Here's a study guide list for starters....

Roots & Prefixes

Writing Instruction
  • What makes a good thesis statement? What is CAB?
  • What is a TIED paragraph?
  • How can you use the TIE method to incorporate quotes? 

Short Stories and Vocab
  • Be able to identify which story is being discussed or quoted:

  • Know these Literary Devices:
    • Allegory
    • Symbol
    • Irony
    • Theme
    • Tone
    • Allusion
    • Conflict (internal and external)
    • Point-of-View (first, various versions of third and unreliable)
    • Direct Characterization
    • Indirect Characterization (STEAL)
    • Plot (exposition, complication, rising action, climax, epiphany, falling action, denouement)

SAT Vocabulary

From Two Kinds
  1. prodigy - child of highly unusual talent or genius
  2. lamented - said with regret or sorrow
  3. listlessly - without energy or interest
  4. mesmerizing - fascinating
  5. discordant - clashing; not in harmony
  6. dawdled - wasted time; lingered
  7. stricken - heartbroken
  8. fiasco - total failure
  9. nonchalantly - without interest or concern
  10. betrayal - failure to fulfill another's  hopes

From Through the Tunnel
  1. Contrition - a state of feeling crushed by guilt
  2. luminous - bright or shining
  3. supplication - the action of asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly
  4. sputtering - spitting or spraying
  5. beseeching - urgently requesting someone to do something
  6. minute - tiny
  7. clambered - to climb, move, or get out of something in an awkward or laborious way
  8. incredulous - unbelievable
  9. gout - a type of arthritis
From The Masque of the Red Death
  1. profuse - plentiful
  2. sagacious - wise
  3. voluptuous - characterized with luxury or pleasure
  4. contagion - the spreading of disease
  5. imperial - majestic
  6. emanating - coming forth
  7. sedate - calm; quiet
  8. pervaded - spread throughout
  9. piquancy - a pleasantly sharp or appetizing flavor
  10. phantasm - a figment of the imagination; an illusion
  11. cessation - ceasing or stopping
  12. disapprobation - strong disapproval, usually on moral grounds
  13. propriety - quality of being proper
  14. tangible - something that can be touched
  15. impetuosity - impulsive or rash 

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